Carl Jacobsens vej 20, 3. sal, 2500 Valby, Danmark

Personale tilfredshed


Staff satisfaction, Maternity ward, North Zealand Hospital, study, Denmark

Here too, the Sensory Delivery Room / SDR developed by Wavecare and Philips was very well received. In a focus group interview, the midwives felt the ambient room made a significant difference in ways that correspond to the patients’ experience the SDR, and in other significant ways (MSA, Lundmark 2014):

  • Improved communication between patients and midwifes
  • Patient feelings of security and well-being
  • pain management
  • patients regulation of breathing
  • speed of delivery
  • experienced night shifts as more relaxing
  • professional satisfaction

Most significantly for these women, perhaps, is that working in the SDR gave them particular professional satisfaction in that they felt the room contributed to their practicing care in line with traditional midwife values (Lundmark 2014).

Further studies are being conducted using Wavecare’s ambient solutions including an ongoing study at a psychiatric ward which aims to explore what benefits an ambient room solution may provide psychiatric patients in isolation.

The maternity ward staff, in this case, midwives’ attitudes toward the Sensory Delivery Room were also explored.  

Wavecare and the evidence­-based design principles are contributing significantly to research on the role of ambient interventions in the healthcare environments, and setting precedents for cutting edge complementary care in hospitals and institutions around the world.

To get a full study, please contact Bjorn Wennerwald.